
Fees 2025

Renewals to January 31st 2026
Full Playing Family Far Country 1 Far Country 2 Student Under 18 Non-playing Off-Peak
392 412 196 98 78 39 78 196
Newcomers: those who have not been a member of the Club within the last 2 years are entitled to a discount depending on the month of joining as detailed below.

Newcomers have the option of paying until January 31st 2026 or January 31st 2027

Newcomers to January 31st 2026
Month Full Playing Family Far Country 1 Far Country 2 Student Under 18 Non-playing Off-Peak
Jan 353 370 176 98 71 35 71 176
Feb 321 337 160 89 64 32 64 160
Mar 289 303 144 80 58 29 58 144
Apr 257 269 128 71 51 26 51 128
May 225 236 112 62 45 22 45 112
Jun 192 202 96 53 38 19 38 96
July 160 168 80 45 32 16 32 80
Aug 128 135 64 36 26 13 26 64
Sep 96 101 48 27 19 10 19 48
Oct 64 67 32 18 13 6 13 32
Nov 64 67 32 18 13 6 13 32
Dec 32 34 16 9 6 3 6 16
Newcomers to January 31st 2027
Month Full Playing Family Far Country 1 Far Country 2 Student Under 18 Non-playing Off-Peak
Jan 617 647 308 160 123 61 123 308
Feb 585 614 292 151 116 58 116 292
Mar 553 580 276 142 110 55 110 276
Apr 521 546 260 133 103 52 103 260
May 489 513 244 124 97 48 97 244
Jun 456 479 228 115 90 45 90 228
July 424 445 212 107 84 42 84 212
Aug 392 412 196 98 78 39 78 196
Sep 392 412 196 98 78 39 78 196
Oct 392 412 196 98 78 39 78 196
Nov 392 412 196 98 78 39 78 196
Dec 392 412 196 98 78 39 78 196


Club Year: this starts on 1st February and continues to 31st January of  the following calendar year.

Travel distance: the shortest distance identified by the AA route planner between the member’s main residence and CCC.

Local: main residence at or within a travel distance of 25 miles from CCC.

Far Country 1: main residence over a travel distance of 25 miles from CCC.

Far Country 2: full member of another Croquet England club & main residence over 25  miles from CCC.

Age: as at 1st February of the current year.

Family: 1 adult Local member & up to 3 children under 17.

Off-Peak: Evenings and weekends only.

Overseas: Main residence not in the UK; playing restricted to seven days per annum.

Member’s Information

Cheltenham Croquet Club needs to hold information on members for administration and communication purposes. This is held securely on a commercial database hosted on the web and members have access to their record for verification purposes. The Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary, Tournament Secretary and Committee Chair have access to the details of all members. The Membership Secretary also processes the data locally, for example to create and publish telephone lists. The data held includes names, date of birth (if under 18), addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, croquet handicaps and other information such as communication preferences. We regularly circulate membership lists consisting of names, handicaps and telephone numbers to all members and display a list in the clubhouse. You may ask for your details to be withheld from any or all of these lists. By applying for membership you undertake to keep this information safely and use it only for croquet or Club purposes.