Club Competitions Entry Form Name Email AC handicap GC handicap 1. AC competitions A Class (hcp 1.5 and below)B Class (hcp 2 to 6)C Class (hcp 7 to 12)D Class (hcp 14+)MacKay (any hcp)Cheltenham Handicap (any hcp)Sturdy Seniors (age 60+, any hcp)Curtis Webb (doubles, any hcp but one player to be 7+)One-Ball (any hcp)Short Croquet (any hcp) Curtis Webb partner 2. GC competitions A Class (hcp 2 and below)B Class (hcp 3 to 6)C Class (hcp 7 to 9)D Class (hcp 10+)GC Handicap (any hcp)GC Seniors (age 60+, any hcp)GC Doubles (any hcp but one player to be 7+) GC Doubles partner Entry fees total (£5.00 per player per competition, PAYABLE ON ENTRY) Please make BACS payment to Sort Code: 40-17-53 Account No: 21367544 Ref: SurnameComp e.g. JonesComp Additional information